> Stretches for a front walkover?

Stretches for a front walkover?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
To build up arm strength you can do a handstand against the wall. Hold it as long as you can. You want to eventually be able to hold it for 1 minute. If you can't do a handstand against the wall, have someone hold your feet, it's easier.

-Do bicep curls with milk jugs or buckets filled with water.

-Since you can't do a pushup, just get in the pushup position and hold it. Make sure your body is in a straight line, don't stick your butt up in the air.

-Do the exercises on this page. Some of the exercises that would be best for you are numbers 1, 3, 6, 33, 37, 41, 42, and 50. Those will work your arms, shoulders, and abs.

-Another problem could be that your back is not flexible enough. Lay down on your back and push up into a bridge. These are the different bridge exercises to do. Lift one leg up and high as you can, try to keep your leg straight and then do the other leg. Lift one arm up in the air, then do the other arm. Walk your hands and feet as close together as possible. Try to put your legs together and straight. Here are some pictures to help.

-Lift your legs as high as possible. http://www.dynamics-gymnastics.com/uploa...

-Legs together and straight.

Stretch your back that is the main thing. Also you should stretch your wrists. work with your arms do whats best for you. start with maybe lifting 5 lbs 10 reps 3 sets. don't work yourself to hard and work up to it, it will take time. and also work you abs… sit-ups candlesticks crunches etc help a bunch. start in a bridge and work on standing gip fro that. Also for your backbend, work your way down a wall, thats how i got my backbend. Hope this helps, Happy stretching!

Your back and shoulders need to be strong and flexible. You also need a strong stomach and legs.

A main stretch I would do would be hold bridge for 10 secs x3 (make sure you push your shoulders forward over your hands and keep your legs straight) but do some other back and shoulder stretches also leg and stomach strengthening excises.

I saw an article the other day about this, let me check my history real fast and I will get back with the link

I need to be able to do a front walkover! Help! Any stretch will help! I Also need help with my backbend! I'm almost there, but something's not working.

My arms and abs are weak. I'm thinking that could be a problem. No kidding, I canNOT do even ONE push-up