> Someone want's to fight me what shall I do?

Someone want's to fight me what shall I do?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Knowing you can fight but choose to NOT fight makes you the better person by a mile. How many times have you heard of people fighting and ending up in orison because one gets seriously hurt or one is injured because he fell wrong and cranked his neck or head. Its not worth it.

I would go to the police and get on record that you have left your past fighting days behind and do not want to be provoked into a fight.

You could also ask a local boxing club if you can both meet in the ring - bet your bottom dollar the other guy will not turn up.

Hi Dominic.

You cannot control him.

But you can control yourself.

1. Avoid fighting at all costs.

Stay out of a fight. Use your running skills. Use your words.

Stay out of jail. It does not matter who is right or wrong, in court you will lose.

2. Ask the police for help and suggestions. Try to get a police officer's email so you can document your attempts. Keep them informed, and keep asking for advice. Have a cell handy, and if things get ugly, call 911 (while running and avoiding the fight).

3. Speak to a lawyer and ask for advice. Better to spend money retaining a lawyer now than to do so asking for one to get you out of jail.

4. Use non-confrontational language. "I do not want to fight you. Let's talk about this. I am sure you have a point, and I want to listen. Maybe I am wrong. Etc."

Call up dad and apologize. Admit your wrongs. Do not worry about being right. See the brother as a family member and treat him so.

5. Seek help for your own anger management issues. Get help. Talk to your family doctor and get a referral to see a psychologist.

It is simply a matter of having a toolbox of skills you can apply to deal with anger, and to figure out what is making you get angry.

In that view, this experience is really an opportunity for growth. Reconcile with yourself and with this family.

You can do do it, and good luck.

He's not the kinda guy who wants to talk. he listens to nobody and is in a downward path in life due to it. So talking is out the question. Can I get a restraining order on him for this? He is harassing me at my home and now says hes going to get me at my place of work. I have 2 days off luckily.

If the police know of your situation you should be good. You warned them after all.

I suggest you go to your brother in laws place and tell him that you want to talk and only talk.

Ray's is good advice. There is always the restraining order, as the cops will advise you.

Still might not get you out of the fight with a few choice epithets being thrown your way. If he violated the restraining order, you should be clear to knock his block off.

HI, I'm in abit of a pickle. Not sure what to do. I'm 25 male I live with my partner and our son. Her father came round causing trouble and we had abit of a push about. He ended up tripping and hurting himself. I contacted the Police as he shouldn't of been in my house in the first place. After all that the police had to come back as my partners brother. Came round trying to boot the door down to beat me up. He's a very immature lad who thinks fighting is the only option. Well the reason Im in a pickle is he knows where i work, when i work and i work alone. I cant see a way out of this fight. I tried to explain to him who ever loses we both are going to have consequences so its pointless. He refuses to grasp that.

I need a way out of this fight. Either he beats me up and he gets arrested or I beat him up and I dont want that as I have been in alot of trouble for fighting in the past as I cant control myself when im angry and I dont understand why I do it but I'll brake peoples fingers or any bone i can to teach them not to fight again. So for the past 5 Years I have stayed out of trouble. Can anyone please help me find a solution. The police have been contacted but there no good till the situation has already started and thats to late.... I dont want this to cause trouble for my job. I honestly dont see a way out of it so my only thought is face him before hes waiting for me at my place of work. Anyone know the best solution please?