> Some fun food challenges?

Some fun food challenges?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Is there any good food challenges that could be done for Youtube? Like the saltine challenge or cinnamon challenge?

Game called chubby bunny. One marshmallow in mouth, do not chew. Say chubby bunny. Next player does the same. When play returns to player one a second marshmallow is added.... Say chubby bunny. No player may chew or spit. Dribble ensues. Winner is the player with most in mount

Chubby bunny is good

Random foods taste test (people have to guess wat they are eating :)

chocolate games

Drinking whole glasses of stuff you usually just have small amounts of i.e. Tomato sauce

Play spoons but everytime somone loses they have to drink/eat something yuck


Is there any good food challenges that could be done for Youtube? Like the saltine challenge or cinnamon challenge?