> Small, cheap, birthday party ideas for teens?

Small, cheap, birthday party ideas for teens?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Have a candyland party get some balloons wrao them in clear plastic make lollipops and little candies all over the hard serve cupcakes instead of cake and have a candy bar i did that for my daughter bday for under 100 bucks and everyone loved it play some games twister girl talk charades sack race have a dance off it will be fun hope you like the ideas

You can

~Watch a movie

~Make s'mores in the microwave

~Order pizza

~Play Wii if you have it (Just Dance is awesome)

~Play games like pin-the-tail, apples to apples, charades…

~Dare each other (pop rock challenge, cinnamon challenge, ice challenge)

~Pretend your in Hunger Games and play with nerf/ paintball/ water guns or water balloons

Hope this helps some. I did a couple of these things at my fifteenth birthday and my friends loved it. Some of these things were done at other parties and we all had lots of fun. Good luck!

1. Thomas the tank engine

2. Winnie the Pooh

3. Spongebob squarepants

4. Toy story

Alright. So I'm turning 15 in September. I think y'all should definitely go to the lake , without a doubt. And if y'all have enough room in your yard , let them take some lawn chairs and a Radio out , then sleep in tents. :)

Honestly for me the best I had at that age was sleepover parties. And they can be anywhere. If you would like to have it at your families lake house or rental that's fine. You could do just as well at home. Rent scary movies or chick flicks. Then have some snacks like pizza and chips. Do each others nails in silly colors or whatever the mood strikes!

Instead of spending a lot on a store cake you could get a cupcake mix and spend the extra money on some candy or items for everyone at the party to decorate their own unique cupcakes (or brownies,cookies if you prefer.)

Ask everyone what flavor cake they would prefer.Nothing worst than going to a party and not liking the cake ;)

Few links might help to get Ideas : -

Best Birthday Party Ideas for Teenagers by Teens! https://suite.io/janienne-jennrich/4esh2...

Teen Birthday Party Ideas http://www.pinterest.com/cinz22/teen-bir...

Good Things for a Small Group of Teens to Do for a Birthday Party http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/good-...

15 Best Teenage Party Games http://teenadvice.about.com/od/entertain...

Just awsome music and twister maybe BBQ as well

Mall scavenger hunt:)

pancake home made and bellon and light and music


god bless you

*Party/hangout ideas for a 15th birthday

*There will be around 6 girls invited (15-17 years old)

*No pool or yard for bonfire

*There is a lake, hiking places, and a lot of other outdoor and indoor things around

*Nothing big, expensive, or "extravagant" looking for more of a hangout with friends
