> Should i choose baseball or lacrosse?

Should i choose baseball or lacrosse?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
It depends if you like to run and are agressive stay with lax. I just quit softball for lacrosse and I am enjoying it. Softball/baseball was to slow for me. If you play soccer or basketball then you have the endurance to run in lax.

It is up to you but my opinion is lax. :)

Lacrosse,baseball is boring and lacrosse is a fast moving game and if your good your almost always playing

lacrosse. baseball is a slow game. lacrosse is a lot more fun

Do Baseball!!! YOu don't have to run and you get to sit down half the time.

Got to www.fabsbaseballtips.com to get back in the game man.

I have been playing baseball since I was about six. I like the sport and i play on the summer travel team. I have played lacrosse since 3rd grade and i also love this sport. Half of my friends play baseball and the other half play lax. I AM REALLY GOOD AT BOTH SPORTS, and i have to choose one for school sports in the spring. PLEASE HELP.

*Btw, my parents think i should continue lacrosse