> Should I throw this house party?

Should I throw this house party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Don't bet on your nice neighbors not calling the cops if the party gets out of hand or they believe minors are present at this party. Do you honestly think you can control 40-50 underage drunken kids and keep them in the basement when they start looking for bedrooms and bathrooms and keep them from destroying your home? This is a very bad idea. If my kid had a party behind my back, he/she would be grounded forever, even if it were only a few friends and no alcohol. Remember, these friends who want you to throw a party are not the ones whose homes will be destroyed or will they be the ones getting in trouble. BTW, just because you are 15 doesn't mean you can't get arrested for giving other minors alcohol.

As a parent of kids not much younger then you! I would totally suggest against it! House parties with drinking teens equals trouble! And you my friend would be get the brunt of all your troubles! And drinking is not something you should be doing for another 6 years. Ill tell you the same that I tell my ladies on a regular basis. Drinking and partying can wait till your of age. If you do it all not whats left for when you finally are LEGAL to do all these things? You should be concentrating on school work and getting a good education so that you can live a healthy happy life. It appears the road you are trying to travel is just the opposite of that! Do you really want to be grounded for the rest of your life once your parents find out. Not to mention how the parents of all your friends are going to react when they come home drunk and all messed up from your house! You don't think someone will blow your cover once they are in trouble with their parents! Oh you have a lot to learn my friend! Choose wisely child!

Well, the good news is ten people per bottle isn't going to get anyone very drunk so I'm not too concerned about horrible accidents.

If you think that your parents aren't going to find out, you're dreaming. Your neighbors will tell them, even if they don't call the cops on you. Also, your parents probably aren't retarded and will notice that their home smells like sweaty kids and spilled vodka.

When I was 12, my sister had a house party. She invited 30 people. Word got out and our place was mobbed by about 100 people. Things were stolen, people were hurt, and one of her friends was sexually assaulted. It didn't matter that they 'weren't allowed' in certain rooms. They went anyway. It didn't matter that they weren't supposed to bring hard drugs. They brought them anyway. You might think that you're opening your home to friends, but you're not. You're opening it to chaos.

If you absolutely insist on doing this, I beg you to take 5-10 of your most intimidating friends, ask them to stay sober, an have them be on security alert.

you can have a party a your own risk because 40-50 peoples are not less it will be so big crowed.so i thing that you should party at your own risk.....

You need more alcohol!

Hey I'm 15 and my parents are going down to Maryland for 1 night and my freinds think I should throw a party my house is pretty big but it's gona be in the basement cause there are to many presious things around but down stairs is where I'm gona have people go there is gona be at least 40-50 people her and I have 4 bottles of pinical and 1 bottle of Smirnoff so far and I'm djing it since I dj and also my freinds would have to get rides home at like 1 in the morning while drunk lol I don't know how this is gona work out and tips and also my neibers won't call the cops they are too nice