> Should I goto this party?

Should I goto this party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Go party's like that turn up good ps. My friends have brilliant Christmas party!!!

Enjoy your day if your going either way have a fab day:)))

I think you should go because I've been in a similar situation and I wasn't brave enough to go and I basically spent the whole night wondering what was happening at the party and wishing I had've gone.

If you go and its very awkward and bad you can stay one hour and make your excuses and leave and all that happened was you had a bad hour in your life which you'll soon forget. But you might end up making up with your close friend and/or making new close friends and having a really good time.

I never regret my mistakes always regret the times I was afraid to try

A person I've become good friends with invited me to their upcoming Christmas party at their home. I know about 4 people at that party but never really had 1on1 time with them so not that close. My two really close friends were invited also and i only know the party host= because i met her through my two close friends. One of my close friends isnt going and the other one hasn't been talking to me for a week or so. I recently texted my close friend asking if they were still going but i never got a response....

I want to go but at the same time i dont. I thought i would be rolling in with my close friend but that doesnt seem like thats going to happen anymore.

I dont know these people well enough to just come by myself without feeling awkward....plus i would feel out of place because they all went to college together and i didnt.

what do you guys think? will choose best answer