> Rocky Marciano vs Wlad Klitcshko - who wins?

Rocky Marciano vs Wlad Klitcshko - who wins?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
in theory? I think Rocky - in his prime will beat Wlad in his prime.

I am a non-biased, well educated and a very informed ex-boxer who has known dozens of great fighters, several hundred "champions" who have won "title belts" and literally thousands of fighters and people who have dedicated there lives to boxing and teaching boxing, who have made their livings in the boxing business I have seen Wlad fight with my own eyes. Nostalgia or Nationalistic loyalty's aside, I can assure you that if Lamont Brewster, Cory Sanders and Ross Pruitty would KO Wlad, there is no scenario within the realm of reason where Wlad could go the distance with Marciano. As small as Rock was, and with a 68 inch reach weighing 180 lbs against Wlad's 81 inch reach (with the jab Emanual taught him) and weighing 230 there is no doubt in anyone's mind that Marciano would have KOed Wlad with relative ease.

Wlad's chin is his Achilles heel, and Rock was one of history's great KO punchers, if you can say with a straight face that Brewster, Sanders or Pruitty were better than Marciano, you sir are the one deluded. "Greatness" transcends mere title's or even "championships', it is an element of personality that causes Joe Frazier to get up 6 times against Foreman or Ali fight 12 rounds with a broken jaw. Marciano showed it by answering the next bell with one of the worse cuts in boxing history against Charles and KOing Charles with his nose split down the middle. Wlad got up against Samuel Peters, so he showed heart, but lets face it, his chin was the reason he was down in the first place.

Marciaon by KO in 6

I'm shocked at the number of people who actually think that Marciano can win this. I'm not really sure these people believe this.


Let's be realistic. Marciano is one of those champions about whom you can't say anything less than perfect without some backlash. It's as if fans fear that the mob will come to your house, skull drag you outside and curb stomp you if you don't swear that Rocky is the greatest.


Marciano is clearly one of history's greatest. And in terms of status, he stands firmly among the greatest of all time. However, IN THE RING is an entirely different story and there is NO WAY that ANY guy like Marciano can beat a guy like Wladimir Klitschko, In the ring. It's just not possible.


Marciano stood 5'10/188 and Wladimir stands 6'6"/240-245. Primo Carnera stands even with Wladimir and outweighs him by 20 lbs. He is also among the worst of heavyweight champions. However, a great champion like Marciano would still have a terrible time beating him. There is simply too much difference in size.


Believe me when I tell you, Marciano is one of my all-time favorite fighters. There are a number of modern fighters that would lose to him, IMO. However, Wladimir is simply too big and too much of a precision boxer. It's just not possible for a guy of Rocky's physical stature to beat Wladimir in the ring.

Wladimir by TKO in 10.

Rocky Marciano all the way. He had the most with the least. He would chop Klitcshko down to size. Rocky was a top 10 heavyweight Wlad would not make my top 25. Yes Rocky by knockout and even if it went the distance still Rocky.

That would be sickeningly one-sided in favour of Wladimir. Rocky wouldn't even be fighting at heavyweight if he were fighting today. As great as he was, the size difference would simply be too much to overcome. We're not talking about a giant but average heavyweight like the Valuev type, this is Wladimir. Honestly i'm not even a fan of his but you can't deny he is skilled and always in top shape.

Rocky's nose would likely redden from the first jab of Wladimir and everytime he tries to get close he would be clinched and be pushed down by Wladimir. Wladimir lacks stamina and could be there for the taking down the stretch but i just can't see how Rocky would be able to sustain the punishment he would take to actually make it into the later rounds.

Wladimir via 4th TKO.

If you're a deluded nostalgic american boxing fan then you would say like 'frank r' above Rocky Marciano, a very small heavyweight would win.

If you are a non-biased, level headed boxing fan you would know Wladimir would win, easy. It's amazing how Nostalgia can deluded people.

I'd go with Wlad. He's just way TOO BIG AND STRONG for Rock to handle. And he ain't just big, he also got serious SKILLS and frightening POWER of his own.

Rocky would get the KO. Rocky has better stamina, and Whlad has a weak chin.

Rocky. No contest.

in theory? I think Rocky - in his prime will beat Wlad in his prime.