> Pro boxing?

Pro boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You're not old enough yet. Anyways if you're dedicated and actually wanna be something in boxing then yes.

Realistically by 16 you should know if your are going to become a Pro. When I was 14 i knew I had potential to become short I dedicated myself to the sport of boxing hand speed and stamina were my best traits my parents are really strict and said i had to excel in school to box whether i like school or not luckily I loved school and at 17 I was told and believed i could move up to pro on my 18th bday.. but 6 months before my 18th bday i accidentally tore and dislocated my shoulder the doctor gave me light workouts with 5 pound dumbbells for 45 days....during that time my college acceptance letters came in i was accepted to college, and my doctor said i was going to need surgery and after the surgery i needed to take 90 days off, and after that its not sure whether was going to get scouted i was labeled as damage goods, so i needed to decide college or boxing and i chose college ...let me tell you I dint regret what i did..im still in college now 19 years old second year and it might not be as shiny or glamorous as being a boxer but at least ill be a productive member of society while getting paid to do something i love and i work with my brain and not my body and i wont have to worry about mental strain from all that punching..but realistically if you do love boxing by 16 years old you should know whether you are going to be a pro...you should stand out by a long shot in your boxing gym

Pro boxing is a a business and for every pro making a decent purse, many pound away in local arenas for $1,000 if lucky. Even Ali said, go to school and carry a brief case. Seeing him today, I'd take his advice.

Probably not. Boxing is a very brutal sport. You take a terrific head pounding. Also very few make money or are successful. The training is the main thing that will get you were you are going. You must train with fire and intensity. It is not easy being a boxer. It requires a lot of discipline and hard work. It is a very lonely sport. The mental aspect is also not to be overlooked. If you are not in the right state of mind you will not perform or train properly or effectively. Lifestyle is important no drinking smoking or partying. You must go to bed and be up when everyone else is going to bed late and getting up late. Nutrition also. I wish you well and hope you make the right decision for yourself.

From a financial stand point, no it is not worth it.

Just like actors the vast majority as in more than 99% of professional boxers never get rich, most don't make as much boxing as they would picking up cans on the side of the road.

Boxing is a sport, you do it because you enjoy it, if you make a living from it so much the better, but that can not be your goal in life.

So I'm 15 nearly 16 I'm just wondering if pro boxing is really worth it?

Like I have fallen inlove with the sport it sounds corny and **** but boxing makes me feel safe and secure

I was wondering if it's worth pursuing a career in