> Please help me with my sweet 16!?

Please help me with my sweet 16!?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
The first tip/step to plan your birthday party is decide where the party will be held either home or away.how much you need to spend and come up with a theme.

What about a dance party? Hire a DJ? You could also do a Spa Party and have the guys wait in the 'lobby' (made up by you) and have them play video games? If that sounds like too much work but you want that, or need other ideas, check out these two websites:




if you want to kick the boys out have a big slummber party. have popcorn candy make pizzas or buy whatever have everyone bring slipping bags maybe tents if you want to do it outside or if you want to sleep under the stars do each others hair and nails. draw all over the first person who falls asleeps face. watch a scary movie in the living room.

it also depends on how much money you want to spend just buying snacks and pizza isn't to bad but if you go and do a limo that can get really pricey

you can also do a bbq

take lots of pictures especially in the morning when everyone is just so lovely

Party in my bathtub sweetie :)

paintball lol

My 16th birthday is next month and I honestly have no clue what to do for a party. I usually don't have birthday parties so I'm new to this whole thing. I want something casual, memorable and fun and I plan on inviting 15 - 20 people (only one or two guys).

Do you have any input/suggestions? My mom suggested having the party in a limo but would that be too little/too boring? Please help!!