> Please help.. I'm an elite gymnast?

Please help.. I'm an elite gymnast?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I'm 16 and I will kill to be in your position, if you really want to go to high school than talk to your parents and coaches and schedule things out,FYI if you want Advanced classes in high school you will have more work than others but the good thing is that you are in classes with students who actually want to learn and teachers want to teach.

If you want regular classes, less work is provided but the bad thing is the students are careless and so are most of the teachers,and there is also drama with both boys and girls.

Personally I would rather be a gymnast and be home schooled than go to a public school and wish to be a gymnast (like I am now haha) but I understand you want a social life which is a good thing.

I hope this helped (:

if you really want to be a champion you cant really quit. and highschool/homework takes up A LOTTT of time. IM really sorry you feel this way:( but know there are a lot of kids who would DIE to be in your position. Maybe ask your parents if you can join girl scouts or something so you can have some normal peers.

if you really want to go to high school

okay so my best friend is a world class violin player and practices 10 hours a day but still goes to school (sometimes lol. but when she is overseas, she is 100% responsible for keeping up with/making up work and tests) you only need to take certain classes to graduate. kelli takes two or three classes at school and then the rest online or in home school-she has a tutor.

So what im saying is to talk to your parents and coaches and tell them how you really feel. Ask them to at least call and talk to a counselor about your options because it is important to you.

BUT just know tha tlike gabby douglas went through the same thing as you. And high school iis NOTTT that fun. i mean i would rather be in a gym all day hahah.

I know you'll make the right decision! good luck!

This is tough. I would love to be you honestly... You might regret going to high school though. If you really want to go, make your whole schedule of balancing school and the gym. Then show it to your parents and ask them if you can try it at the very least. I think they homeschool you because high school work load is really tough and not everyone at high school has the same extracurricular work load as you. Think about if you really want to do this before you take in too much work!

when u go to normal school u start getting into fashion, boys and starting losing focus

ur family want to shelter u from normal experiences to become an athlete i think ur parents are trying to live their own dreams through u..

there r rewards with sacrifices.. many kids go to normal schools and do not succeed

u r very young..u can date and flirt and do silly things later.. in gymnastics u have a short shelf life..so u need to focus when u r young

if this is not your dream then stop it

if u want to be a champion, if u really really want to be a champion then u must eat breathe and live gymnasium...if u start losing focus u cant be no.1

true champions have to sacrafice things, decide if you want to be a champion.

So I'm an elite gymnast and I'm 15. My parents put way too much pressure on me. I want to go to high school like a normal kid.. My parents won't let me though. I'm stuck with homeschooling. I spend 6 hours at the gym every day. Of course I want to be a champion but I want to me a normal kid too. How do I convince my parents to let me go to high school