> Party ideas on my budget?

Party ideas on my budget?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You are going to have the greatest party ever and everyone will be talking about it for quite sometime & you WILL NOT need that much money !

Keeping everyone cheaply fed & entertained ( for nearly free ) is the key to having a successful party.

Great ideas such as party games can be a blast once everyone is involved and having fun.

Check these sites out. I've used all of these for many, many parties : They are really cool and offer lots of fantastic ideas !




If you make your party a pot-luck then you won't need to buy much food. It would be fun if you made the pot-luck a contest and you all voted on the stuff that gets brought!

If you can find an outdoor space you can then make it a big party without needing to rent a space.

I'm not sure what time of the day you want to have your party but if its in the evening everyone can wear glow-braclets and you can make lantrurns (look up outdoor diy latnturns, there is some neat stuff you can make) If you can get electricity hang christmas lights in trees!

If you are doing a day time party make water ballons and buy some cheap water guns at the dollar store( you could do this at night too) have a water war!

Music could be tricky but if you can get speakers from someone then you can ask a friend to be the DJ, (a cool friend mind you)

I hope some of this helps!

Murder Mystery party costs $35 online, then just crank up the music afterwards.

You could get a part time job for funds.

hi, my name is Joy and this november i am going to be 18! now with recent stuff in my family divorce deaths ect we dont have money for a party my last party was when i was 16 and that was 9 people now my family litterally has no money but i still dream of having a giant birthday i do t wanna tell my mom this cuz shes stressed enough as it is being a single parent! if u have any idea of a way for me to have a cool awesome party like the ones you see in tv let me know it be super cool if a rapper could be there jk thats not go na happen but for the party idea and help is appreciated