> Party ideas for a 16th?

Party ideas for a 16th?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You could do some sort of spa/pamper day for her? You could get manicures, back/shoulder massages, facials, get your hair done and get your make up done.

Then maybe you could go out for like a fancy meal somewhere to show off your nails/hair/make up?

(this is all assuming you're a girl of course)

You could maybe go to like a spa or something and get pampered

My friend did a carnival for her 16th. Her bestfriend who is also in a wheelchair, was able to participate. She had games like ring toss, dunking a guy a water, corn hole, etc. Even though it sounds childish everyone had a blast. Her friend was able to do most everything with her upper half and was always doing something :)

It's my sisters birthday coming up and she's turning 16, so I want to do something really special for her but I don't know what. My only problem is is that she's in a wheelchair and has been since she was 13 as she got transverse myeletis which is a viral attack on the spinal chord. She's paralysed from the tummy/ waist area down so she can move her hands a bit. I don't know what to do for her birthday but it has to be something really good as it's her 16th. So I want something where she can join in a lot and still have a great time, instead of just sitting there not being able to do anything. I hate seeing her in a wheelchair and I hope she does walk soon, and she needs to have fun as it's her special day. Thank you for your answers