> PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!! (Gymnastics!)?

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!! (Gymnastics!)?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Hello :) I would suggest you sign up for a class. Gymnastics isn't safe to do on your own at home when you haven't had any prior training. If you take a class, a coach will be able to spot you, and you'll have mats and all that good stuff for safety. What you CAN do at home is work on your strength and flexibility, which is the foundation of gymnastics. Work on your straddle stretch, pike, splits, maybe even bridges if you feel comfortable. For strength, push-ups, sit-ups, hollow holds, the usual.

Forward rolls - start off making a star with your body (feet spread apart), touch your toes, tuck your chin to your chest and then roll forward

Handstands up against the wall are also good and so are cartwheels (might need someone to help you with that one)

These are probably the three most basic gymnastics 'tricks' you can do. From there you can learn how to do all sorts of things from front and back saults, dive rolls, handstand flatbacks and round offs.

Hope this helps!!

Hey, check this site out, it gives a really well detailed basic moves for Gymnastics (though that I don't know anything about this, plus i'm a guy.. haha) but anyway.


I think it has more than 10 tricks..

Hope I helped! :)

The splitz,spread legs apart as far as you can.Forward or sideways.Handstand being able to balance yourself on your hands.Back bend,stand with legs apart and lean and look back and land on your hands.A walkover is the same except one or both legs follow the back bend.Hand spring.Front or back .Being able to make the movement in one step.Cartwheel.Stand with legs apart, starting with right hand on floor,swing your legs one at a time over your body until in standing position.Front roll.Put both hands on the floor,tuck your head and roll forward until in sitting position.Back roll.In sqwatting position,roll back put hands on either side of head for support and pushing a little ,ending up on feet.Roundoff.Take a few running steps,put both hands on floor swinging both legs up in the air at the same time and landing with a spring type motion.Usually this is done before a back handspring or flip,which is a back handspring but without your hands landing on the floor.

Hi I am fairly young (early tweens, i guess?) and cannot do any gymnastic tricks. Can you give me about ten tricks to start out with and how to do them, please?

Thank you for your time and effort. :)