> Outdoor Graduation Party?

Outdoor Graduation Party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Outdoor Graduation Parties are very common in the summer since it is an easy and fun way to entertain a large group of people. They do have their drawbacks, so it's best to be prepared. Here are a few tips to help your party go off without a hitch.

Keep your guests cool. Make sure there are some seats in the shade and pleanty of beverages. Here are a few more ideas for activities to cool off -

If you have a pool what better way to cool off than sit poolside with your favorite beverage and take an occasional dip.

Set up several hard plastic kiddie pools full of cold water, lawn chairs and beach umbrellas (unless you have a large shade tree) for everyone to sit and relax in.

A fun party favor that will cool everyone down are those spray bottles with the little fans on them.

Cool your guests off with dessert; set up an ice cream buffet or rent a snow cone machine!

You can also cool off while having fun, maybe a water balloon fight or a squirt gun war?

Take care of the bugs. Mosquitoes abound and proliferate after dark. Flies love food, you’re serving food, thus you’ll have flies. So you have several choices:

Buy everyone a bug-off bracelet or set out a bucket with bug spray wipes.

Cover the food. Lids and domed net food covers will do the trick.

Citronella candles and torches with help a bit, set them around the party

Give everyone an Off? Clip?On? and add a nametag (cute, no?)

Have your local pest control company spray the party area, or DIY with a can of chemicals.

Ignore this warning, and you’ll find everyone in your kitchen.

So my brother graduates this May and we wanted to start planning his graduation party. But, we have no idea how to plan one! We don't want it to be cheesy and kiddie-like (he's graduating high school). He isn't a very normal teenager, he's very shy and home-schooled so he doesn't have a lot of friends.

There's going to be around 200 people (mostly family, and then some other people we know that wanted to come). So what we wanted to know was, what do we do at a graduation? We don't know if we're supposed to plan anything to do, or just let people talk and do what they want. We plan to have things set out to do, such as corn-hole (everyone we know loves this game, it's a big hit at other parties), footballs, softballs, frisbees, and I was thinking I'd maybe get like a badminton set or volleyball set to set up. It's a HUGE HUGE HUGE yard. It is so, so, SO long and so, so, so wide! It takes my grandpa HOURS to mow his lawn. The graduation is going to be very causal (he doesn't want it to be fancy) and in my grandparents' huge yard. We have things like food, invites, drinks, decor, etc. planned already, we just didn't know if we should set up anything else to do besides what I mentioned above. He also isn't a big fan of music, but we thought we might just play a radio in the background. Thank you so much!! Any other ideas regarding food or anything is also welcome!!