> Need kids party food ideas?

Need kids party food ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
My 3yr old is having a b'day party on the weekend what snacks can I make that they will love? Prefferably healthy but if not doesn't matter pls give me some ideas!!

Here are some finger food ideas that are perfect for your little guests. Hope you love them.


Well I'm not too sure about healthy, but fairy bread! Every kid I know loves it it! Even I do, party pies, sausage rolls, maybe cut up some carrots and cucumber with a nice healthy dip, the kids might like it, cheese sticks, crackers and cheese, watermelon any fruit.

And if you want the kids to eat healthy try using the fruites and Vegies by making faces out of them

Hope I was some kind of help

kids love imitation so do the kind of things they might have seen adults eating. for example, celery and carrot sticks with sturdy dips, and pineapple cubes speared with cheese on cocktail sticks. finger sandwiches need to be spreads that aren't going to fall out all over the place. try pate or liver sausage. mini muffins make ideal cakes rather than slices of birthday gateau unless you supply dishes and spoons to eat that.

My 3yr old is having a b'day party on the weekend what snacks can I make that they will love? Prefferably healthy but if not doesn't matter pls give me some ideas!!