> My family won't let me have 17th birthday party?

My family won't let me have 17th birthday party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Life doesn't always give us what we want.

And the more we make our happiness dependent on getting what we want, the more UN-happy we are going to be in lie.

Think of this as an excellent chance to start learning how to be happy.

Go re-read your question and look at all the reason to be unhappy that you are giving yourself.

If is what we tell ourselves that makes us happy or unhappy .. NOT what actually does or doesn't happen.

Don't rely on external things to make you happy ... the more you do that, the unhappier you will be.

So, having shed a glimpse into your family, the answerer I am will glimpse you mine - I can't stomach sugars and fats. Per every family get together at my mom's, guess what we are served... fat and sugar, among other things. I used to get frustrated over this, until later, when I realized "why?". My family won';t last for ever, my memories shall last. So, despite my intolerance to sugar, and aversion to fats, still, I so do enjoy the family feasts involving both - it's not about the food nor decor, rather, company.

One time I would have related to your situation, and I still do from memory, though, enjoy the "routine" despite desiring that "spicy alternative" - enjoy not on the level of food and surroundings, rather loved ones. Ever since my dad passed away, my birthdays remain the same, with same "sugar and fat" coronary delights, but, I now no longer complain about my intolerances, I simply feel absence despite abundance of certain foods.

All I;m saying is, when possible, evaluate the thought that counts. Even my most favorite food, somehow doesn't taste the same at a festive time, with my dad gone. Savor the moment, whatever shape is "imposed" upon you - it will never repeat, and, in hindsight, details will fade but the company will not.

we had none of that years ago. consider yourself lucky to have a roof over your head and food to eat and family to take care of you.

I know I sound spoiled and selfish. My family won't let me have a birthday party and I'm turning 17 next week. They are so routine, they want every event celebrated the same way every year. They even eat the same things for lunch everyday! For the past couple years we just went to my favorite restaurant with a cake as a small family and my bestie.I want a bday party and my 17th will be my last in my childhood. Before I started celebrating with dinner I went to chuck e cheese every year until I was 12 (my older brother still does because autistic and is very routine too). As a kid I dreamed of jump castles, entertainers, balloon animals, swimming pools, pin the tail on the donkey, but my family never worked for that. Didn't even get a Sweet 16 last year. Now I can't have a party! I don't want DINNER for my birthday, I want it to be memorable! All I asked for is a party at my grandmas with pizza, hot dogs, steak, ribs, music, family, 4 friends, formal invitations, etc. I just know they are not planning to surprise me. They have NEVER thrown me a surprise party nor have I been actually surprised with gifts I don't know about. How do I get them to let me have a party? I mean it's MY birthday. Should I help pay, make food, WHAT??