> My dad wont let me get a stunt scooter?

My dad wont let me get a stunt scooter?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
well, first of all, GET A SKATEBOARD. who uses scooters nowadays dude?

anyway, if your brother has one...well thats just bad parenting!! why the hell does he get one and you dont?

if you really want one, just be good. getting good grades on tests and cleaning the house/doing chores is always a shoe-in.

good luck kiddo!

dont get a scooter, please for the love of all humanity, get a skate board or a bike, im tired of getting snaked and hit by scooter kids and seeing how there scooter that has half as many parts and is half as big as my bike costs 3 times as much, its a waste of time and dumb

Bless your Dad. Now convince him to take your brothers away.

Get good grades in your high-school exams and then try and convince him, He will definitely agree.

Im 14 and want to get a scooter but my dad wont let me. My brother has one and i've seen alot of older kids at the skatepark with them, but he keeps saying I cant get one. How can I convince him?