> Mike Tyson vs George Foreman. Who wins?

Mike Tyson vs George Foreman. Who wins?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
i personally think tyson would lose. what do you think?

Against a young George, Tyson would win because he's faster, quicker and much more skilled. Young Foreman was basically a wild, swinging punching machine who leaves himself critically open when he throws punches that's why Ali got him. Tyson knew how to land big punches at the slightest opening. Against old George or Georve v.2, however, Tyson would get frustrated because of that cross-faced crab-like defense, the wrecking ball of a jab and those short crisp punches still laced with 70's era power. Foreman was smarter during his comeback, never swinging and wasting punches. And boy, old George even had better stamina that he never sat on his stool during his comeback.

I don't wanna hear that question anymore! It's almost like Ali-Tyson prime for prime. First of all, it's bullshit to always compare Tyson and Frazier in this bout. Tyson could knock you out with both hands, Tyson had the harder chin(YES! A washed up Tyson could withstand 8 rounds against a Lennox Lewis at his prime of punching power and Lewis was even with Foreman, while Frazier couldn't go over 2 rounds against Foreman), Tyson hit much harder than Frazier(Ali said in an interview that a prime Tyson hit harder than Earnie Shavers! And that Tyson would've beaten him prime for prime! If you don't believe me:

It's possible. George was big on pushing little guys, especially swarmers away, like he did with Frazier, and we all know how that went. Either way I think it would go the distance. I think a young Tyson could outpoint him if he jumped in and out all night, but I could see it the other way too.

Foreman! Tyson is the perfect sucker for a uppercut. Foremans defense is to good and he masters the uppercut. Ask michael Moore.Ha!ha!

i personally think tyson would lose. what do you think?