> Lennox vs Larry. Who wins?

Lennox vs Larry. Who wins?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Lennox Lewis vs. Larry Holmes in their primes. Would have been a good match. Who do you think wins it and why?

Lewis by UD, his jab was underrated, and he had more power, then Holmes.

I used to think it would be a close fight between Lennox Lewis and Larry Holmes. However, after looking back at fights of both them in their prime, I have to say Larry Holmes would outclass him. Larry Holmes would use his lightning fast jab to disorientate Lewis then knock Lewis out when he least expected it with the right hand. Lewis would be too slow and sluggish and find it very hard to even get a punch on Holmes. The version of Larry Holmes that beat Ken Norton would beat Lewis every time.

With the exception of punching power, Larry Holmes has all the advantages over Lewis. He had much better chin and was faster. He was also more rounded than Lewis. Holmes could box from distance and use his trademark jab or he could close the distance and fight on the insdie, something Lewis can not do.

Lets be honest, Lewis only looks like an elite fighter againt midgets (by HW standards of course)

I definitely believe Holmes would win. I personally think Lewis is overrated. His best performances were against a smaller Holyfield and a washed-up Tyson.

Lennox Lewis by UD or TKO or KO

Holmes could not knockout to Lewis. If Holmes was winning by points then Lewis reactionary and KO Holmes

Holmes wins this in a decision or k.o.

Holmes had the jab to control the fight and a right hand to put Lewis to sleep.

If two inferior punchers could stiff Lewis so could Holmes.

Holmes was just too sly to be fooled into a slug match but knew how to score and set up his opponent. By round 8 Holmes wins by referee stoppage.

Lennox and Larry sounds like a great buddy film that I would definitely watch if it was made.

I'd say Larry Holmes would probably win the fight though.

Lennox Lewis vs. Larry Holmes in their primes. Would have been a good match. Who do you think wins it and why?