> Justin Timberlake vs Eminem, 12 rounds, who wins?

Justin Timberlake vs Eminem, 12 rounds, who wins?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Take the money from now, Justin wins for sure, Eminem will be distracted by JT's silly W.T.F looks and then.......BOOM..JT got the moves.

Timberlake is the winner.

Hahhaaaa a fit sissy and a wannabee drug addict...hum love their music but those two have never been in a fight since their purse could pay 24/7 bodyguards

Anyway,lets answer ur funny question seriously lol, eminem may have been thrown about when he was young but he doesnt have the physique of JT so id say justin after a couple of aimlessely swinging rounds hahaha

Eminem wins a late round stoppage over Justin, the man did train with Emanuel Stewart afterall.

Justin Timberlake would use his longer jab and natural athleticism and win an easy UD. Eminem is a fraud.

Lol wannabe thug, still built like 25 year old at 40. You can call him a wannabe gangsta all you want but he grew up some rough hoods, I'm pretty sure he was in more than one fight.

Eminem seems to me to already know how to fight, whereas Justin would have to be taught. Eminem by knockout.

Are you serious? Do you really think this sissy can fight?

I doubt either could punch their way out of the proverbial paper bag.

Funny question...but if i had to answer...hands down RAP GOD....he's ******* awesome...besides he's already beat a Bouncer so.....JT is well kinda girlish....no offence

Freddie Mercury would slap these two silly.

haha what a crazy quistion

The alive king of Pop who's the most talented American artist post the likes of Frank Sinatra, Elvis and Michael Jackson against the biggest selling and most awarded hip-hop artist of all time?

My money is on Justin!!!!! A proud white brother like Justin will always destroy a self loathing wannabe thug like Eminem~