> JUMP ROPE?????????????

JUMP ROPE?????????????

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
hi guys, which is the best way to jump rope for 20 minutes? i dont understand , many boxers jump rope without breaks???

The way to Jump rope or at least how I did even still do is to have bursts of hard jump roping e.g. double or triple jumps for a minute then relaxing doing this with a 3 minute timer that tells you when there is 30 seconds left in the round

20 minutes is a long time with out stopping. I would suggest 3 minutes jumping 30 second rest repeat four times. What are you trying to accomplish? If you are just jumping just to jump have at it but if you are jumping to fight do it the way I suggested .

I use to warm up with a 20 minute skip sesh. Keep an average speed, then for every 10seconds per minute, sprint.


50 seconds regular pace, 10 seconds sprint and repeat.


20 minutes straight jumproping is indeed very long. Boxers usually do it in 3-minute rounds, simulating actual boxing rounds. They'd usually do 3-4 rounds, with a minute's rest between rounds.

3 hours 40 minutes 21 seconds 18 milliseconds exactly - automatic win

any more you get too tired

any less you lose

sophisticated step. look at yahoo and bing. just that could actually help!

hi guys, which is the best way to jump rope for 20 minutes? i dont understand , many boxers jump rope without breaks???