> Is nonito donaire a shot fighter?

Is nonito donaire a shot fighter?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
he looked washed up in his last fight and was losing on the cards,whatever happened to him.

He probably wasn't that motivated for the fight ,he may have loss his last fight but he didn't get battered or KOed in devistating fashion so he should have plenty left in the tank.

I don't think Nonito Donaire is a shot fighter ,but he certainly is a fighter that has a goot shot.

Nonito Donaire began having problems about three years ago, when he started listening to his own press. People CONSTANTLY compared him to Manny Pacquiao, who was knocking guys silly at the time.


Like Donald Curry and Shane Mosley, Donaire scored a few knockouts and quickly forgot his boxing ability. He listened too much to fans and writers comparing him to Pacquiao or simply describing him as a KO artist, which he never was.


Knocking a man out in the ring can be very intoxicating. However, the problem is that some fighters look for the KO each time out. Once they fail to knock a man out, they, somehow, forget that there are other options, like using the boxing skills that got you there in the first place.


Can you imagine Sugar Ray Leonard swinging for the fences each time he steps into the ring? Imagine if he tried to take out Wilfred Benitez with each shot he threw. I wondered if Donaire would quit making the same mistakes against Gillermo Rigondeaux. Then I realize what I had suspected for the past two years. Some of his previous fights were more difficult than they should have been for the same reason.


Curry and Mosley never quite regained their boxing skills. It's amazing because it's not "just like riding a bike". These fighters are living proof that your skills will certainly erode if you chose not to use them.


It's like a drowning man who could actually save himself if only he'd learn not to panic.


I don't think that Nonito Donaire is a shot fighter yet, at least not physically. However, psychologically, he might already be too far gone. It's amazing that many don't realize how important the non-physical attributes of a fighter are.

I think he s psychologically damaged. He believed his own hype pre-Rigo but then the Ring god took away his confidence.

i think he lost his mojo after he lost to rigo

his confidence aint that shiny the last time he fight

give him time to recuperate

he looked washed up in his last fight and was losing on the cards,whatever happened to him.