> Is it time for hopkins to retire...?

Is it time for hopkins to retire...?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
hello eddie .

i think this is a big one for hopkins as he's coming off a lose and another bad night might be the the thing that is needed for hopkins to hang up his gloves but he's not like roy jones or holyfield who keep getting beat he's still fight and winning at world title level .

1) i don't know i don't think hopkins has been stupid with his money but who knows look at holyfield who spent a quarter of a billion,amazing

2) never right Bhop off he has schooled many a young upstart i think this might be a fight to much but i wouldn't on it .

3) Andre ward would be next in a final big payday .

i've started training again myself after a long break(15 years) and i'm starting to feel sharp again and if it wasn't for the fact i'm now a cruiser i wouldn't mind a blue collar fight ,i could be a white dwight Muhammad Qwai .lol

ONLY as long as he can still compete on an elite level.

1) Yes. Hopkins (like most people) LOVES money. He makes seven figure paydays everytime he fights, and I'm sure his logic is if he can hang with the best, and not get hurt, then why not make millions?

2) Most definitely. Cloud is not Dawson. Chad has an extremely hard style to deal with, especially for a guy like Hopkins. Cloud (despite being young and aggressive) is extremely one-dimensional and easy to outbox.

Campillo outboxed him and got robbed. Yusaf Mack (yes, Yusaf Mack) was outboxing Cloud for five or six rounds until Mack's notorious glass chin let him down for the millionth time.

I think Hopkins can make this a cagey and slow paced fight, get into Cloud's head, and outbox him to a competitive points win.

3) Another payday. B-Hop won't stop fighting until he gets beat down. He doesn't take beatings though, and like I said before, he may be old but he can still hang with elite fighters. It's not like he's RJJ or Holyfied.

I'd love to see B-Hop fight Nathan Cleverly or maybe Bute if he stays at 175lb and doesn't get his asss kicked too bad by Pascal.

I can't lie, B-hop is quite possibly one of modern history's greatest, his success at such an advanced age has placed him among the historical elite. If he beats Trout, he further cements an already spectacular career with yet one more storied accomplishment. He is at the point where his career is one fight at a time, and so long as he keeps winning, his legacy simply multiplies with each victory. Bernard isn't fighting for the money, he is fighting for historical supremacy of the other greats of his era, He is the last of his time frame to remain competitive into the next generation of fighters, and with each victory the old man takes another step up historically on his peers. Historical record books will look upon B-hops longevity in comparison with Roy Jones Jr.'s speed and James Toney's chin. It will be the single greatest career defining historical aspect of Bernard's legacy.

1. Money is always a reason, but in B-hop's case it is secondary, he is fighting for historical legacy.

2. Yes, he has a chance, B-hop is the underdog, but he is a live underdog.

3. If he wins, he wins one more big fight with someone else and extends his already storied career one more fight, if he loses he should retire.

I he loses to Tavaris cloud in their up coming HBO televised fight for Cloud's IBF Light Heavyweight Title, and loses very badly, Bernard Hopkins should retire, he is tarnishing his legacy as an all time great and placing his health in jeopardy.

leave Bernard alone already with this his speech is fine not slowed down he is in a weight class that he can manage and yes he can win

he fights because he wants to not because he has to

if he wins he will keep fighting he has said this over and over

I don't know why he won't just retire and spread his extensive boxing knowledge as a trainer.

i pullin for b-hop i usually am. idk thats up to him hes doing good tho , i dont wanna speculate but i think hes on trt i think he has to be to perform like this , AMAZING and look at the

Ok.. B-Hop goes to war again against Cloud. At just under the 50yrs of age mark, is that acceptable?

I have every respect for the 'executioner', but Cloud is a step too far...

I have three questions to put to this forum:

1) Is Hopkins only fighting for money now?

2) Does hopkins have a chance agaist Cloud?

3) If Hopkins wins - What then?

As a lot of regular contributors know, I stepped into the ring again in 2011 in my forties.. I gave a young gun a lesson, before losing a points decision... Boxing is like a drug.. You keep seeking the hit you experienced when you won... (That's why I understood Ricky Hatton's doomed comeback). As a former boxer (amateur), you have to understand when it's over - It's over.

Even now. I think I can still step between the ropes and dance again... Like I did 30yrs ago.

Sometines, you just have to admit that the curtain has come down - I did!.. Took me nearly 15yrs to admit it!

Should Hopkins do the same??