> Is it normal to lick my friends toe?

Is it normal to lick my friends toe?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
why do you want to do it for?

Youhave what is called a "fetish". Something or action that is not considered to be normal by american standards. Lots of times it's related to a sexual pleasure for the person doing it or for the person having it done to them. Your friend reacted the way he did because he did not see it to be for what he is interested in. If you decide to do the licking next time, ASK first! That way if the person says "NO", you wont lose a friend and possibly get hurt physically and emotionally. How would you like it if someone you knew came up to you and spread mud all over your nice clean clothes because it gave them pleasure? You would probably want to beat that person up! Had they had your consent you would of been accepting.

Next time ask! One day you may do it to the wrong person without consent and wind up in jail or beaten to a pulp!

What's your problem? Honestly, can't blame him for kicking you, that's pretty random to just lick someones toe in a pool.

What the hell do you want with toes?

yea i know,toes i can handle with their fungus growing abilities but what type of a dirty fecker would even think twice about licking you head...i think you should drop all communication with this guy,he has severe problems

Once his/her toe isn't sick and dirty either, see no problem; it's a fetish or a taste or yours, simply.


Since i was about 11, i was interested in toes. There is just something so amazing about them and i have always tried to lick one. Yesterday, me and my friend went swimming and when we got out i licked his toe and he kicked me in the head. What the hell is his problem?