> Is eli sechbach retarded?

Is eli sechbach retarded?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Does anybody else think this guy has some kind of downsyndrom?

He looks like he has descended from some king of gecko or a Pterodactyl or something.

He is not a nice person, he whores himself for youtube hits and he attaches himself to vulnerable or hot headed people and gets them to say inflammatory stuff. Guys like James Toney and Robert Garcia.

He also has a vendetta against Fredie Roach and Pacquiao due to him being thrown out of the Wild Card Gym for being an annoying piece of shlt. One of the worst people in boxing, and boxing is a god damn sleazy @ssed viper-pit anyway.

I don't see whats so wrong with him. The only thing that gets on my nerves about him is he calls every boxer he meets a "star"

Hes a loser who tryna act cool.

His face has down syndrome written all over it

Yes. Entirely.

Ever notice how he camps out at one gym and dickrides everybody there for a few months, then suddenly switches to another gym out of nowhere and starts all over? That's cause he KEEPS GETTING KICKED OUT FOR BEING A JACKASS.

Ellie is awesome, I like his channel a lot more than FloydHype.com

Does anybody else think this guy has some kind of downsyndrom?