> Is an electric toothbrush better than a normal one?

Is an electric toothbrush better than a normal one?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Is an electric toothbrush better than a normal one?

If you brush properly there is no difference .

Well it is up to the individual person yes the are good and one good thing is after using one on your next appointment one does feel difference when your dentist is polishing your teeth as it is rotating around as you are use it after using the electric toothbrush there is only one downside when one has to charge the toothbrush then having to use a normal one bit of a pain but saying that I will never go back permanently to using a normal toothbrush again.

The most obvious reason why electric toothbrush cleans your teeth better is that you simply can not move your manual toothbrush as fast as electric brush. For example even the cheap Philips Sonicare Essence brush makes over 30000 sweeps per minute - it is 500 sweeps per second. Can you do it with your hand? :) This way electric brush not only cleans the surface of your teeth but also drives the toothpaste between the teeth and along the gums.

Another benefit of electric brush is the built-in timer. This way you can always be sure that you are brushing for 2 minutes as your dentist recommends.

No it is not any better, anyone who is lazy to clean his teeth with a normal brush don't deserve any respect. It only takes two min to brush your teeth.

I asked my dentist last time I went, and they said if you brush properly there is no difference

yes they are better because you dont have to move the brush as much as it rotates for you and the way they move it cleans into tighter spots easier

Is an electric toothbrush better than a normal one?