> Is Boxing Bad?

Is Boxing Bad?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I've been around boxing in one form or another for over 50 years. Boxing is a sport/business and in such you meet some very good people and also some very bad.................Fighter's suffer all the time from amateur to pro. Most as Lester will tell you end up making scrap in high school gyms or low on the totem pole on undercards. Remember, fighter's have a manager, trainers, and others that they have to pay out of their purse. And Uncle Sam is a big pay out too. Yes, it can be good , if you;ve got boxing in your blood, but very few make big money and they suffer for it.

They say that because boxing is a sport where you might end up in a situation where you have to sacrifice important things such as education.

Boxing requires so much training that sometimes you'd have to forget about handing in that assignment.

Boxing is a very tough sport, it is not for sissies, and only the tough do well.

Realize that boxers like movie stars mostly do not make expenses it is only the very few, as in less than 1% that become rich and famous.

People become boxers because they love the sport not because they expect to become rich.

No, not at all. In fact, Boxing has saved a lot of people from social and financial trouble.

Boxing is Bad, mmmkay?

Only p*ssies say that

They say boxing is a cruel, lonely sport. But There's all these famous boxers out there today that loved it, and dominated the sport. Why do people say 'You get no where in life, you will go to jail, you won't have no food'.? But some of the boxers today are so successful they won't need to worry to much about money? I wanna be a boxer someday. But people put me down so much by saying stuff like, 'You'll Starve yourself, you'll be homeless'. Why's that? Is this true? Cause boxing is the only thing these days that keeps me motivated and willing to do things.