> Is 1 glass of wine enough with a wedding meal?

Is 1 glass of wine enough with a wedding meal?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Should be ok as not everyone will drink and those drinks can go to others who might want more. Just relax and enjoy the day, people will have fun and a great day regardless if you have any wine at all.

How many freakin' people are you having that you can't have a few extra bottles of wine around in case someone wants another glass? Not to be insensitive to your financial situation, but you can get decent wine for very little money. And it will be incredibly awkward to only have one glass. You would probably be better off not serving any wine with the meal (especially if this is before noon) and just having the Prosecco. But do serve some juice or lemonade or something other than just water.

Yes. One glass is more than enough alcohol for a morning event.

I'm curious to know what you're serving for your BBQ breakfast.

That is very fine. And a sensible idea.

People will understand you're on a budget, it will be fine don't worry. The day is about you after all. Have fun and congratulations.

yes, a claret or pinoir is best

I'm on quite a budget for my wedding.

We are having a BBQ for our wedding breakfast, as a sit down meal (It sounds weird but its what we wanted) with desert so 2 courses.

We will be serving 1 glass of wine with the meal,

Tea and coffee with desert

1 glass of prosecco for the toast

Do you think this is enough? Or will it come across as mean? There will also be jugs of water on the table.
