> Is 18 too old to become successful at boxing?

Is 18 too old to become successful at boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
No way there have been allot of greats that started late your at a great age to start I started boxing at 22 and turned pro at 26 and I make more money in one night then most people do in 2 months if that's not successful then I don't know what is

I'm not sure why but boxing is one sport that you seem to be able to be successful at even if you start late. I think maybe it's because a lot of what boxing is about is hard work as opposed to having it drilled in to you from a young age although it is very technical. Much more technical then it looks to someone who doesn't box. In short though, it's absolutely possible. Don't go pro though unless your actually competing as it's can be dangerous. Many boxers keep boxing against opponents they probably will not beat and I mean it's just dangerous. I wish you well with you boxing my friend, God Bless.

No , the current world middleweight champion Sergio Gabriel Martinez never laced on a pair of boxing gloves until he was 20 years old

Not really, 18 is relatively young. But you gotta start making your presence felt now. You must get into competitions and win big.

Yo, the chubby one, B-hop started near his 30's. It's more then just sacrificing everything in your life....you'd have to practically have no where else to go to, and losing your health and brain cells won't matter anyway.

Colby said it

I'm an 18 year old boy (19 next August) and I've been getting boxing lessons since last May. My trainer is really good, he's trained with Ricky Hatton and Frank Bruno and had them over at his house (he had pictures) and he trains with some of the top athletes in my country. (I wish not to say where) He said at our first lesson that my footwork was poor, my technique was good (at our most recent lesson last August, he said it was getting a lot better) and that I had really good power and with the potential to develop it further if I practised more.

I'm 5'9 and 65 Kg, I eat healthy foods and never really put on weight, no matter what I eat. I don't lift weights as I don't believe it increase punch power from what I've 'picked up' from people and other information sources but I practise a lot of Calisthenics & shadow boxing. My trainer hasn't hit me across the face yet but we've done a couple of body-shots which I don't find too bad but overall I don't know how good my 'chin' is.

I'm wondering though am I too old to start boxing? I have a feeling deep down that I know I could do well if I practised but sometimes I'm lacking in motivation. My other problem is that I'm at College now, which means I only get to train with my trainer during the Christmas & Summer Holidays and I put a lot of effort into my College Work. (I don't mean to sound bragging but I'm a bit of a 'smarty pants') At College I live far away from my trainer and so don't have time to get lessons but I practise only my shadow boxing in my spare time and never 'go out' with people or consume Alcohol.

Putting all that aside, even if I dedicated as much effort as I could to boxing, am I simply too old to ever be successful at it? Like win an Olympic medal or a world title?

Thanks to all who answer.