> International themed 16th birthday party ideas?

International themed 16th birthday party ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Candy sushi: Swedish fish/gummy candies rolled in rice crispy treats.

Crispy french baguette with cheese


Rice and beans

As for games, I had an international bday party while back. We made a few rooms different continents and made paper passports. You got a stamp at each one. At each you played a game. In Asia we used chopsticks to pick up as many gummy fish as possible in 1 minute. In Africa we had a safari by making a scavenger hunt with plastic animals from the dollar store. In Europe we got language cards with different languages and we had to figure out what language the other people we speaking. In South America we got a Zumba like dance DVD and did that. In Antarctica we made igloos in teams out of styrofoam blocks. In North America we did a water ballon fight. In Australia we painted plastic masks from the dollar store like koalas, coral, and kangaroos.

Hope I helped! Have fun!

I'm a 15 year old girl from New Zealand

For the past three years I've had a huge themed sleepover parties to celebrate my birthdays, they were really fun. My friends told me my parties give them an extra thing to look foward to. They gave me something to look foward to as well cause I would spend all winter planning for them. This year I have started taking some tuition that my parents have to pay a lot of money for and they wern't going to let me have a party this year, but then I thought of having a dinner party, in which you only have to feed your guests one meal, and my Mum said I could do that.

So, I'm going to have a dinner party, there will be around 20 people, It'll probably be outside on my lawn, and I've been thinking of having an international theme. So far I have brainstormed a few foods from different countries that I like and might serve, and I have thought I'd decorate with flags, I also thought of making a game out playing a song and letting people guess what country the song comes from. I'm looking for ideas like these.

I'm re-posting because I think this title will get better answers