> Importance of gymnastics?

Importance of gymnastics?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
haracteristics of gymnastics

There are a number of different disciplines within gymnastics which use different types of equipment.

In general gymnastics improves flexibility, control, strength, balance, coordination and general fitness.

It teaches good life skills such as discipline, the importance of working towards goals, resilience (everyone falls, if you want to progress you get back up and try again) and patience (it is mostly slow incremental improvement rather then sudden dramatic changes.)

Because it is (largely) an individual sport it can be adapted to individual needs to a very high degree. Although the group of people who can hope to become top level gymnasts is extremely small the group of people who can benefit from it as an active hobby is extremely large. It is very suitable for disabled and learning disabled children and can also be a good option for children with ASD or other behavioural issues which mean that they cannot cooperate in the way required for team sports. The combination of constant activity and a requirement for a certain level of control and discipline can make it very suitable also for children with ADD or ADHD.

It gives you flexibility, strength, coordination, agility, and determination. Gymnastics is broken up into 4 events: floor, vault, bars, and beam. Gymnasts go to competitions or meets and perform all 4 events where a group of judges will give them a score from 1-10. Gymnastics requires a great deal of athleticism. You have to do flips, turns, and leaps on a four inch wide beam that is several feet off the ground without falling off. You have to run full speed and perform a flip over the vault. You have to do a series of jumps, turns, tricks, and flips on the floor.

1.it helps in flexibility of the body

2.it keeps the gymnast fit

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characteristics of gymnastics