> Ideas for my 16th birthday?

Ideas for my 16th birthday?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Try and do a karaoke theme, you can dress up for it, and have a contest where the winner gets to open their present first, and the person who comes in last has to wait until the main festivities are over. You can even go American Idol themed, where you make a stand in front of judges. Anyone could participate at that point, and everyone who at least tries can receive a goody bag filled with secret but cool items. There could be a point where somebody could record it and post it on youtube, for others to see as well! You guys could go to your local mall, and pretend you are superstars. Just dress how a singer would in a public place, (normal but trendy, with big glasses) and go out on a limb, singing for people or giving out autographs.

I got a lot of presents for my 16th birthday, but i didn't do anything as both my parents had to work on my birthday. =/

How about a mariachi band or some stuntmen. I always enjoy watching magicians (even tough it might be lame). My best suggestion is to ask the people you plan on inviting what they like to see as entertainment without them knowing that you are inviting them to your birthday party.

Hope I helped

P.S. Sorry if you don't like my answer i'm not 16 yet.

Okay, so i know this is a little, well maybe a lot, early considering my birthdays not until November 12th but I wanted to plan a little early this year (I usually don't plan until like a week before).

My best friends, Anna and Caleb, and I have the same birthday (except Caleb and I were born 11/12/1997 and Anna was born 11/12/1998) and we were going to have our birthdays together this year. We're all really into music and pretty much like the same things.

What can we do that's kind of "music themed"?

What did you do for your 16th birthday?

Just ANY random ideas would help (: thanks!