> I want to do boxing but?

I want to do boxing but?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
i dont want brain damage or to become dumber and i dont want to ruin my face too much . Should i box or quit

If you're just gonna join a gym and train, maybe spar every now and then, you'll be fine. They require headgear and 16 ounce gloves (usually). It's very hard to get hurt badly under those conditions. You might get a bloody nose or a busted lip from time to time, but nothing crazy. Even if you start a little amateur career, it's not too dangerous.

Being a pro is an entirely different story though lol. The pros can kill you, literally.

Listen every sports got it's risks I personally am not worried about brain damage and I don't think you should be either although I can understand your fear. I mean you've probably had people like your ma or others saying you'll end up like Ali. But Ali boxed years ago when nobody truly knew the risks he boxed far too long and continued to box even after he had Parkinsons that's beyond madness. These days boxers get brain scans and are kept safe although the odd time you do hear the horror story's. My advice is don't worry but be cautious. Some pros have done silly things. A pro boxer died not long ago in London because he continued to box even though he had already had brain surgery that should never been allowed but such instances are very rare it's like J.T McNamara the jockey who recently fell from his horse at the grand national and was paralyzed from the neck down extremely sad but it's very rare. My advice to you is to be cautious but not too worry don't train at gyms that don't provide adequate protection for their boxers make sure the gyms affiliated with your countries boxing authority. Don't worry about it if it's going to constantly worry you then don't box because it's not worth the stress. Good Luck

just because you do boxing, doesn't mean your going to get brain damage or get dumber. boxing isn't for all people though... you need to have coordination to be able to do it. why don't you have a few lessons and see if you like it

almost every head injury is heal able getting to much head injury will not cause you to become dumber, any cuts our bruises will heal! If you really want to box go for it,a little advice-you gotta be able to get hit with out quiting easily

If your good than your brain wont be damage, u wont become dumber, or ur face wont be ruined.... However if ur not good that might not be the same ;)

i dont want brain damage or to become dumber and i dont want to ruin my face too much . Should i box or quit