> I need help picking a sport?

I need help picking a sport?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

hope that answers the question.

with lacrosse you would have to run across the field for the whole game. With tennis you have to use short bursts of immense speed to get to the ball. there is many different ways to hit the ball. I have played both sports and if you want a physical challenge . Tennis is the way to go.

Tennis 100% good luck!

Lacrosse all the way! Have fun and good luck!

Okay so next year I'll be in high school. And we have this thing next week called pride night where we pick the sports and clubs we want to do. We can do one sport per season so basically this is what I wanna do

Fall- Field Hockey

Winter- Ice Hockey

Spring- lacrosse vs tennis

Okay so here's my question which should I do lax or tennis.

I have never played either besides a camp. So I enjoy both but all my friends are playing tennis and my cousins captain and lacrosse I know nobody but I like a phyicl challenge. I feel like I'd let down my friends and cousin if I don't play tennis. Also I probs won't get to see them that often without playing tennis and IM AWFUL AT TENNIS and in lax I'm okkk. So any advice would help! Thank youu:-)