> I need help im going to be 16?

I need help im going to be 16?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
It's your party, do something YOU enjoy. :)

If you like video-games, have a bunch of people over that bring different gaming-systems and play all of them (at the same time perhaps, -- you'd just need a few TVs and electrical outlets) until you all can't game anymore.

If you like sports, rent out a gym or some field-time, and shoot hoops or play field sports with your friends until you are so tired you can barely stand.

If you like art, ask to take an art-class with a bunch of friends and family all at once, or visit an art gallery together. Or, buy art-supplies (whatever type you like) and have a party where you all sit together and paint, draw, etc ... while eating some good food and enjoying each other's company and artwork.

If you like music, attend a concert or symphony with some of your family and pals.

Maybe you like animals (visit a safari, zoo, conservation area), or stargazing (check out your local observatory), or history (a local museum), or swimming (pool-party, beach-party, water-skiing party)... etc.

You get the idea. :)

Good luck, and have a great time!

Go out camping, but bring a few friends with you. Maybe try pranking a few of them by bringing out a halloween costume, and pretending you are either a viscous animal, or a burglar trying to get into the cabin/tent.

If where you are camping allows fishing and swimming, then try out some crazy dares while you do the activities given in the camping spot. Dare each other to grab a fish by the mouth instead of using fishing poles. (Be very careful about the fins and scales while doing this.)

You could also geocache in the area (you need a GPS, sturdy clothes, and small-large items to trade, bring a pen as well.) and receive (depending on the cache), more gifts! www.geocaching.com/ [to figure out how to geocache]

If where you live allows it, you could set off fireworks in celebration of your birthday, and try something like in the game super mario party 4, where your friends hide behind a certain firework, (whilst being protected by a cardboard wall, so that nobody get's injured) and you have to decided which one they have picked! http://www.mariowiki.com/Hide_and_Go_BOO... [for reference on how to play, etc]

ok so i know its early but i will be 16 in december and i need ideas on how to spend my 16th birthday !!! and btw im a boy

ok so im 15 and my parents have left it all to me to plan my 16th birthday part they said whatever i would like they would be happy to do it as long as its not to much money

but if im honest i dont want it like my sisters its was a party all family and some friends cake dj and it was really crappy in my opinion i would like a good birthday party for my 16th and i want it one to remember

i dont want it to be crappy i want it to be memorable because im only 16 once im not spoilt incase you think that i just want a good party one to remember and dont forget my birthday is in december