> I dont want an 18th birthday party?

I dont want an 18th birthday party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Yeah I don't blame you I stopped having parties at 13 and started having birthday dinners instead with just your family you can do the same with just your friends

Well same problem here,but I reasoned with my parents and they've understood me.You can talk to them to let you have a quiet dinner with you family and few friends.Yep that'll do.Good luck ;)

you're turning 18, you're growing up. this is a part of it. as your birthdays click past you'll see yourself gettting more and more used to it...

nah your not weird. i hate attention also . im not anti social but i just don't like all the spotlight 2 be on me lol

Do a no-show for the event. Say "I said I didn't want one or I forgot about it".

first off, you are going to be eighteen, not twenty one. you can't get intoxicated, second, yeah i dont care

I seriously do not want an 18th birthday party, I hate being the center of attention and I hate everyone crowding round me, I'd rather go out and get heavily intoxicated! I've told my parents this and they say I'm having one anyway, not sure if they're joking but regardless, I literally hate the idea of having one! Am I weird, has anyone else not had an 18th party?