> How to punch faster for boxing?

How to punch faster for boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Gget lightweight weights and punch with 2-5 lbs weights. Alternate punches amd do this 100 times each arm. To really get some speed in, alternate kind of punches (straight forward, uppercut, etc.). Do this every week but take a break every 4 days.

Some use the double end bag for quick combinations and quicker hand speed.

i am in guseikei wado ryu karate you need to relax go from 0 to 10 in one second keep your hands open in a fight and then full force and close on contact

it will make them go back gring a hit into them by turning your hand once you hit them you will hit 3/4 of the way then turn and grind your hand into them and they will go down

Throw as to not allow opponent to throw a c-c-c-c-Combo Breaker counter.