> How to plan a surprise party?

How to plan a surprise party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Are you sure she can't just go on the trip to hang out with everyone "apres-ski"? I bet it would still be fun. Ski places usually have cozy places to sit a drink cocoa, etc. Maybe she wouldn't pay much either if she weren't buying a lift ticket and gear. Just a thought.

Dressing up is always fun. Maybe you could make your party ski-themed...dress up in your crazy snow gear (goggles, puffy pants, etc.) and take pretend ski photos. You could even set up your room into a winter wonderland (hang fake snowflakes from the ceiling, cover everything in white, white balloons, etc.). After that watch a romantic comedy or a fun show on TV. As a bonus maybe you could have your sister give each of you a task on your ski trip (e.g., talk to a cute guy, make a snow angel, etc.) and you can take pictures of each of you completing your task when you're on the trip and show her later. She'll feel like you guys were thinking about her while you were gone.

Snacks that are easy to share: nachos, pigs in a blanket (really easy to make), ice cream sundaes, pizza, maybe make a signature non-alcoholic cocktail and serve it in cocktail glasses with cherries. If you have a gas stove, you could also roast marshmallows inside and make s'mores.

(Some of these may be very American treats but I assure you they're all very tasty)

well recently my sister broke her finger, and its 3 weeks before our school is going on a skii trip which me, my friends and her were all supposed to go to. but now she cant go which is a shame because we have been looking forward to it for over a year.

so me and my friends want to hold a surprise sleepover party. but i want it to be fun and make my sister happier and feel better about not being able to go.

because we are sisters, im planning on my mum taking her with her grocery shopping or whatever, and in that time my friends will come around and get balloons out and stuff! and get a card or something.

but im not sure what to do to make it better and what to do after.

any help?

thanks xx