> How to make my fist very firm?

How to make my fist very firm?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Only training will train your hands and wrists to "firm". After boxing over 2 decades, I can punch a brick wall and not break any bones. But at one time in my life, I had to take time off, away from boxing, for almost 2 years. After that, I attempted to punch a heavy bag without wraps, and I nearly broke every bone in my hand and wrist. So basically, it comes with time. Be patient, use the proper equipment (wraps, proper gloves, etc.), and your fist will "firm".

Don't try it.........................Metacarpal bones in the back of the hand snap more so than knuckles and are never the same. Use wraps and gloves on the bag and forget the walls.

Always wear your wraps. I don't get what you mean, ive never heard that in boxing
