> How to make a party awesome?

How to make a party awesome?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
my mom has has been homeschooling me for the past year and I just wanted her to know how grateful I am. any suggestions for a cool party?

For a Cool birthday party Ideas you can Choose a theme party. You should go with this online link this would be helpful for you.


Nothing makes a party like a fat sack and a bottle of Jack

Invite all of the family , and close friends, the neighbors have a barbecue (: get your dad to help out and in front of everyone you can tell her how greatful you are for everything she's done etc, etc.

Alcohol, chicken wings, drunk people like popcorn I learned, also really good music, maybe some house music or good hip hop!

you can invite your friends for celebrate your party and then, if there's a clown in your party it's must be happy ^_^

Alcohol, good music, lots of people, good snacks = blast

my mom has has been homeschooling me for the past year and I just wanted her to know how grateful I am. any suggestions for a cool party?