It seems to me the most effective body shots are at the bottom edge of the ribs. In a street fight the first effective punch can usually win the fight, and hitting them in the body when they are not expecting it will usually put them down.
1-Have Confidence. Don't feel like you can't knock them out. Knock Them Out!
2-Unleashing the Uppercut. Most knockout punches in boxing occur on the chin due to an uppercut.
*If you don't know, get into a good fighting stance. Left or Right foot in front(whichever is more comfortable), Bent knees, Chin lowered, Jaw guarded. YOU don't want to get knocked out.
*In one motion bring your body lower, pivot to the arm your punching with and bring your elbow back. This generates power.
*In another motion (this is the punch) push your legs up, re-pivot and bring your fist up. Hit that chin.
3-Hooking the Head. A hook is always another sure power punch that can leave your opponent going to bed early
*Of course the fighting stance. (Step 1 in "Unleashing the Uppercut")
*Before the punch, know that a good hook is not a wide arching one. It is a short compact one. Keep your forearm to a 90 degree angle to your bicep and have your fist in the vertical position so you won't break any bones.
*In one motion (this is the punch) Pivot in the direction you are punching in bringing the hook with you. Aim from the ear to the temple.
-Breathe! Do not hold your breath. Breathe out when you punch. Not only will the punch be faster and stronger , but if you miss a counter punch will not do as much damage.
-Lift weights to increase your strength, so as to increase the damage of your punches.
-You will not always be successful. If you do not knock him out keep on fighting.
-Always go back to your guard. Do not get knocked out after missing the knockout punch.
-Always try to avoid fights unless you are fighting in a cage, ring or on a mat.
Things You'll Need:
-A Fist
What's the best way to punch someone who is a lot taller than you? I found this youtube clip of a boxer knocking out an MMA fighter
If your a shorter fighter you need to be on the inside of a taller fighter. If you get on his inside his reach doesn't mean anything, and you can always take it to his ribs. Give him a few hooks downstairs attack the ribs, then throw some crosses right at his chest n that will drop him.
See how Tayson boxing, you have to work input output,you have to be dominant,combinations of punches and speed, that you have to have.
street fight? headbutt to the chin
lets say someone knows how to knock someone out he has done it before but this time the other guy is just to big his jaw is just to high lets say he is about 35cm taller what should the short boxer do?(I am obviously talking about a street fight) should he jump and twist his body in the air?is there any good body shot that he can throw while their still talking?what you think he should do?