> How to jump higher in high jump?

How to jump higher in high jump?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
At first you need to try to run as fast as you can. In high jump as much as speed you run you can jump more as you know from Newton's law Each and every action has equal and opposite reaction. Best of luck.

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ok when you do a hight jumo it is all about tenqnek and your kness and one more what jump you do in high jump you have2 difrant ways you can do it you can do the sizer jump or thay is another jump i cant remer the name of it but you need to jump and when you jump you turn your body for you back lands on the mats and your stamik is faceing the bar whne you in the air i do the sizerjump and i can get to 2 meters bit more but i cant remder what exzty you need to get sume good kness exsize and if you can get a good jump it will help yo with your high jump a lot just work on juming higher and that will help

spriten if short dismant about 100 meter now more normy so just go as fast as you can and dont slow donw untill yu have past the line dont slow down after the line

i hope this help you if you like jumping and running you should try parkour and that will help you with your high jump to

i have dune parkour for 3 years now i hope i help you

Try sprinting if you are fast just a short distance and when you jump bend your knees just a cm more!!!Hope it helps!!!

So I know flop technique and can jump 1.51m at the moment havn't had a jump scence athletics finished about 6-8 weeks ago. It's starting up again and I have high jump this week and was wondering how to jump higher. I'm 14 in 3 months weigh about 50-60kg ad 1.75-1.85m tall. Thanks you, and if you know a thing or two about sprinting that would also be accepted.