> How to host a good house party?

How to host a good house party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Hi ,

firstly, i personally think not telling your parents is a BAD idea. i know a friend who had a house party whilst her parents where away and then the naibours called her mum and dad then they came home and pretty much grounded her for life and the first night she didnt sleep at home because her mum kicked her out. Aslo when there are no parents thats when its likely to get more out of control and people bring friends of friends of friends , you think you can controle it and really you cant. The friend that i was just talking about , someone also stole £150 from her brothers money box.

I think a Friday night would be best because if you do have one without your parents you dont want them going home early hours sunday then trying to tidy up. you need a whole day and if people are feeling a little tired thats a good thing because it'll be more under controle but trust me everyone livens up at a party!

you could give invites out and at the bottom say "invite only" then you wont end up with a ton of people in your house and you dont no them etc.

DONT broadcast it over facebook and twitter thats how you end up with them crazy out of controle partys.

ive been to one where (there parents knew) and they had a big tent / gazeebo in their garden and looked the doors to the house so the garden got trashed rather than the house which is a good idea , but if you have it in the house put away things you dont want to get ruined.

hope this has helped :)

Jacob - Darlin you are fooling yourself if you think you can keep, drugs, alcohol and cigarettes out of the house without adult supervision. Unless you hire a security guard to enforce those restrictions your so called friends will do what they want regardless of what you say.

Having an un-supervised party is more than stupid. Your parents WILL find out about it no matter what you do and your @## will be grounded until you are 30.

Involve your parents an have a nice, SAFE party.

Invite only your best friends. Forget about "impression invitations". I may be an old lady but I well remember the pressures of my high school years - NEVER want to go back there.

Jacob - use your brain. Talk to your parents an plan a fun, cool party with supervision. You can not handle this on your own. So you lost a stupid bet. Who really cares? You are a cool dude and you do not need affirmation from idiots. Think about what would happen if one of your guest invited or otherwise got in an accident and was injured or killed. Unfortunately that happens WAY to often.

Be true to your good self. Have a safe, supervised party. Screw the idiots who want to have a free for all. They can go elsewhere.

Good luck Darlin

I'm a 14 year old guy, I'm hosting a house party, the problem is I've never hosted one and I rarely go to them.

Anyway, the reason I'm hosting the party is because I lost a bet and if I lost I had to throw a house party, I've just got a few problems though.

1. My parents: my parents are going to my grandfathers lake house for a weekend on the school holidays coming up (next school holidays is in march) so I promised my friends it will be then. But the main problem with my parents is that they'd NEVER let me have a party, and I want to have the party to prove to my friend that I can keep a promise, anyway, the lake house they're going to is 4-5 hours away, that gives me enough time to clean up.

2. The party will be hosted on a Saturday night, it's probably the best day, because people aren't tired from school and it's not a school night.

3. Start time: the start time for the party will either be at 6-7pm, I'm not sure which one, but the party will end at 1:30-2:00am, Sunday morning.

4. Invite list: with the invite list I'm kind of having LOTS of controversy. Because I'm inviting a few people that I haven't really spoken to in a long time for the people I haven't seen in a while I'm thinking of having this '+1 rule', the plus one rule is for people that will probably not know anyone else at the party, I'll only tell people personally if they can being friend(s) along.

5. No Drugs/Beer/Tobacco: I'll be enforcing this rule very heavily on the night, none of my friends smoke/drink or do drugs, but I know people that do smoke, drink, but probably no one my age is on the drug scene yet, but this rule is going to be enforced heavily, if you're caught drinking/smoking or doing drugs, you're getting kicked out.

6 neighbours: I don't exactly know how to tell my neighbours that I'm having a party, because if I tell them, they may assume my parents know, should I just have the party without notifying them or tell them and risk them telling my parents.

Sorry for the long read, but does everything sound good, please give me any tips if you can, thank you in advance.