> How to have the best house party ever?!?

How to have the best house party ever?!?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Well first of all, your having the party on Friday The 14TH. You could throw a spooky party if you would like. You should get all the girls chocolate hearts, so not only are you being nice, but your flirting. wink wink. For real food, you should get pizza, and shape them into spooky things and put them on strings and let people eat it off of strings around your house. Its kind of weird, but their just stupid ideas.

Hookers and booze. No pizza. Way too nasty coming back up and too hard to get out of the carpet and off the ceilings. a case of condoms and ten gallons of canola oil for 'rasslin'. Make sure you get every minute on video so y ou can put it online as it happens or get paid a lot not to. If there is a pool at your house, drain it. Some idiot is sure to try and swim in it and drown. Besides, it is so much funnier when they use the diving board and the pool is empty. Again, video that part.

For a great House Party, Visuals on the tv are a must, if people start watching the box and flicking around your house party is dead and so goes your reputation. Go online to VJWorld.com or Shadow Dancers.tv and get the visuals packages. This way you will always have something to make you party vibey, sexy and fun. And you will become a HOUSE PARTY GOD! (or GODDESS!)

some of my friends said would you like to throw your party and I said yeah. I'm just a quite guy but idk how am i writing so much. I might think to get all my friends to but I am afriad to invite everybody. Well my birthday is on June 11 and I got a lot of time to think about but it's only 1 more month. And I am throwing it on june 14 friday cause everyone likes to party on friday to. My one friend is coming from florida And we once had a party for his last day of him here and that was about 2 years ago, and probably everyone will want to see him of him coming back. The party food will be pizza and idk if girls like pizza or not I'm sort of am a little concirn about but not the whole thing of the party just like idk if they will. So any ideas about to have a party or anything more that I can includefor the party?