> How to grow taller 6ft1?

How to grow taller 6ft1?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
It is impossible to predict at what height you will stop growing, but you can give yourself the best chance of further growth by living a healthy lifestyle, with good diet and plenty of exercise.

Your BMI is just about perfect, so you are obviously getting enough food. Milk might help with the calcuim for the bones, but don't be excessive about it. A well balanced diet with lots of fruit and veg is also important.

Most people grow until they are about 16-18 but some carry on growing beyond that. Chances are you still have some more growing to do, but there is no guarantee.

As for not growing taller than your father, that is rubbish. My daughter is 2" taller than both myself and my wife (we are both 5'6" tall). In fact, on average, each generation has been slightly taller than the last over the past 100 years or so.

first of all you can increase your height till you become 22. also cycling is the best exercise for that. get your seat stretched and then run it. the more your legs will stretch more it will be good for you. you can also do pull ups. hang on to any rod or wall which is above your head and then try pulling your body upwards. this will stretched your whole body. these both exercises will be helpful.

You can't do much about your height, continue your routine. No one knows for sure when you will stop growing.

Exercises to Increase Height

Chakrasana (wheel pose) stretches the trunk region of the body thereby helps in elongation of the body from the stomach region. It relaxes the stiff muscles of the back and the sides. Tadasana (Shoulder Stand) is another recommended asana for height increase. It involves standing upright on the ground by holding the back muscles and the shoulder upright. Other forms of exercises involve swimming and high jumps to dive in the pool. Swinging from a rod and stretching the body downwards towards the grounb also helps to increase the height of the people considerably. Generally kids are recommended to have these pull up and stretch down exercises so that their body can grow faster during growth spurts.

The Pranayama (breath exercises) of yoga work wonders for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and they help in the general growth of the body too. The breathing exercise rejuvenates the body for the proper growth and metabolism of it. It also helps to provide relief from acute pain in various parts of the body. These postures should be carried out for a long time and a person should maintain a particular position of to gain better results.

? General Exercise – You don’t have to join a gym to be able to exercise. Simply doing some basic aerobic exercises like jumping jacks at home will suffice. Even walking or biking home from work instead of commuting will help you burn fat, and provide a natural way to increase your height.

? Advanced Training Regimens – People who feel more dedicated to the cause of fitness may choose to join a gym, or make one at home. Weight training can strain the muscles and bones just enough for you to get a slight yet natural height increase; just be sure not to overdo it to avoid injury.

? Stretching – A variety of stretching techniques are also widely believed to give you an increase in height. Taking time every day to stretch out your body, or just remembering to after sitting down for a long time, will benefit your body, health and height to great lengths.

here are some tips to how to increase your height after 18+.

First and the most common is to exercise and do morning walk. This makes you grow well.

2 Eat as much breakfast as you can up to fill. This makes your metabolism* strong. Try to eat less meal but after every 2-3 hours.

3) The most important point is to sleep well. It is the dark or night time that matters for your growth. As muscles grow in dark only. Try to sleep in absolute dark or least light to make your muscles relax and they will grow well.

4) Try to keep your head and neck as much straight as possible. Your spinal cord will suppress your height increase if you bow your head most of the time.

5) Never do immoral acts as this suppresses your primary growth(increase of height, muscles etc) and initiate your secondary growth (puberty).

6) Finally, there is an homeopathic pill named "Baryta Carbonicam**" which is a great pill to increase your height with absolutely 0% side effects (consult a homeopath for this)


1. Milk: Milk is the universal food for building body. It contains protein in abundance, which are the building blocks of our body cells. Milk is a easy digestable food and enables maximum assimilation of proteins. Take 2-3 glasses of Milk each day

2. Eggs: Eggs are a wonderful natural source of protein. The White albumen in eggs contain 100% protein, but you should not take the yolk since it contains fat .To increase your height, take 3-6 eggs daily. For better results, take 2 eggs along with each meal

3. SoyBeans: SoyBean has the greatest protein content among vegetarian plant foods. It contains pure protein which improves bone and tissue mass. Make sure that you take 50 gms of Soybeans each day

4. Oatmeals: Like SoyBeans, Oatmeal is another wonderful source of plant protein. In fact, it increases muscle mass and decreases fat. Take 50 gms of Oatmeal for breakfast every day

5. Skimmed Milk: Skimmed Milk contains 100% protein and is free from fat. A daily consumption of 50 gm of Skimmed Milk after exercise or physical sports will provide adequate protein for your body

6. Coral Calcium: Coral calcium is a natural source of Calcium obtained from sea corals. Coral calcium helps to increase bone mass and thereby helping your bones to grow in length. The younger you are, greater are the results of increasing bone mass through Coral calcium

Stop weight lifting, if u are doing !!

you are unlikely to get much taller than your dad

I'm 14 and a half and i am 5ft8. My moms about 5ft6 and dad about 5ft9. Will i be 6 foot 1 when i stop growing> I drink a lot of milk everyday. I do stretches and sleep a lot. What do you think? Also at what age will i stop growing?

Im a male and i weigh about 65kg