> How to get out of eating at cousins party????

How to get out of eating at cousins party????

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Tell them that you had the stomach flu all night, throwing up and diarrhea, and you don't want to start again. Telling an "old dad" you're on a water diet won't hold water (hee hee)

Just explain that you are on a water-only fast, which I am assuming is for religious purposes. When someone offers you food, always have a glass of water in one hand and party favor or something else in the other hand, so you look occupied. That way, when you say "I am fasting. Besides, my hands are full," they really will be. Keep yourself so busy passing out the food to other people that they will not realize you are not eating.

If you think being around the food will tempt you, just stick to being around the games and/or other areas at the party.

Tell them the truth-- That you are being selfish and shallow and are deliberately starving yourself because you think that being skinny will make you pretty, or because you feel as though you need control over something....

I could give you a plethora of ways to not eat, but I'm not going to. (I've been there, done that and I have a devious, deceitful, conniving mind.)

Be a rebel for once! Take a day brake from your fast if you can, ask for very small servings, have fun for once.

Jus say I DNT WANNA EAT CUS I DNT FEEL LIKE ND YU CNT MAKE ME! ND jus tell them the truth aftr

My cousin's birthday party is tomorrow(he is like 6) but I am on a water only fast. We are going over at noon and eating lunch there, plus the cake and ice cream. We might eat supper there too. My uncle (their dad-) is a huge believer on finishing ALL OF YOUR FOOD that you put on your plate. How to get out of eating?