> How to get flexible fast? splits etc?

How to get flexible fast? splits etc?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I want to do cheer but i am not very flexible. Any ideas on how to do the splits and the backflip thingy.

.and bridge


Flexibility comes in time; if you try to rush it, you're just gonna hurt yourself and delay the process.

Front Splits:

Kneal on the ground with your front knee directly over your ankle, but slide your back knee further back, so you're lunging. Lean into the front knee so that you feel the stretch; it should hurt in the sense that you feel it, but not like your legs are breaking. Hold for about 30 seconds, then shift your weight backward as far as you can (you should have that same healthy hurting feeling) while keeping your front heel on the ground and your toe pointed; again, hold for about 30 seconds. Do this a total of 3 times, then switch your legs and repeat. Then go ahead and do your splits as far down as your body will let you go, hold for about a minute, then switch legs. As you get lower, try doing your splits next to a coffee table or something of similar height; then you can lift up your hands, but you have something to grab onto for balance. Lifting your hands keeps them from creating resistance, so you're body really will be as low as it can; it'll hurt, but if you're not pushing yourself on top of that, it shouldn't injure you.

Middle Splits:

Middle splits are more difficult. Having a good straddle can help, but it won't do too much for you because your hips are in a different position (relative to your legs) in a straddle than they are in the splits. There are 2 stretches I really like. The first is to get on your knees and slide your knees out--just like you're doing the split, but with your legs tucked behind you instead of extended. Place your hands on the floor in front of you for balance, or lightly on your hips; you want your body as upright as possible. Your toes should be touching behind you, even as you get lower and lower. You'll get lower in this stretch than in your split, but it feels really nice and still stretches the same way. The other stretch I like is better suited to get a wider straddle, but it'll still help you feel stretched out enough to really do that split. Find a space where you have plenty of room against a wall. Lay on your back with your butt right up against the wall, and open your legs into a straddle, and relax. It's a nice stretch that doesn't require much effort.


A bridge is a very easy skill, it just takes practice to get good form. Lay on your back with your knees bent, like you're going to do crunches or sit ups. Place the palms of your hands flat right next to your head (look for pictures online if you don't understand what I'm saying there), then simply lock your arms and legs and stick your stomach up. To do a backbend (go to a bridge from standing), first make sure you're comfortable doing your bridge. Then go near a wall, facing away from it. Put your hands up straight by your ears, and watch your hands the entire time. Lean back--arching your back more than bending your knees--and walk your hands down the wall until you're in a bridge. You can then walk your hands back up to get a feel for standing up from one. When you're comfortable with that, try it for yourself, keeping your hands by your ears, your arms locked, and your eyes on your hands. As long as you do those 3 things, you really shouldn't fall (but you could have a friend or parent stand there and hold lightly under your back just in case); it's not one of those skills that you can get super hurt doing very easily--even if you don't lock your arms and you fall on your head, it's not from very high.

"Backflip thingy":

I'm not sure what you're talking about here, because there are soooooooo many tricks that involve going backwards. The only one that's really safe to try alone is a back walk-over (I suggest youtube); the other tricks should be done with a proper instructor in proper facilities so that you don't injure yourself.

When stretching, make sure you hold everything, repeat daily or every other day, and don't bounce. Otherwise, happy cheering!

A good way to do a 'flexible" bridge is to do a backbend. In order to do this you need to put both feet should length apart, hands up by your ears, push your hips forward, and bend backwards(: As a tip, in cheerleading the right way to do a bridge is to have you legs completely strait instead of bent!

I got my splits after a month or two of practice. What I did to learn my splits fast was I went down as far as I could go, and then put my hands in the air instead of on the ground! It is a bit painful, but it really works!

Good luck in cheerleading! Hope I helped! (I would help you with your backflip, but I never learned one before! Sorry!)

Well, there isn't really any way to get flexible fast.

For splits, you just need to practice as often as you can- go as far down as you can and hold it for a minute or two. Also, try to push yourself down a bit. It hurts, but you have to deal with it if you want to be flexible.

For bridges, first you just need to get up in one. Even if it's bad, try hard to make it small, make sure your arms are not bent. It's even better if you can get your legs straight! Same as the splits, do this as often as possible and hold it for at least thirty seconds. You'll be sore, but it's worth it.

Hope this helps!!

Well you have to work on it but GABBY BUTLER from Top Gun has a couple vids for stretching. Just do those everyday and you'll get there.

I want to do cheer but i am not very flexible. Any ideas on how to do the splits and the backflip thingy.

.and bridge
