> How to fall from a high building without hurting yourself?

How to fall from a high building without hurting yourself?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

You don't. As we learned on Sept 11th, when you jump from a high building you hit the ground like a bag of wet cement. The coverage from Telemundo was quite graphic, American media did not show the bodies striking the ground or zoom in on the people writhing and vomiting as they fell.

Fire will make you do a lot of things you wouldn't normally do like people who jumped from the twin towers. You'd be willing to break bones to get away from fire.

So no equipment such as a parachute or a rope ladder. Make yourself a rope ladder with strips of sheet maye.

If there is a fire or something and you have to jump off a high building how do you jump without hurting yourself? NB do NOT give me any links because I can't turn off my Orange Safeguard (no idea why they won't let me see links about this!) Anyway no links please.And this is assuming you have no equipment.