> How many pizzas is too many?

How many pizzas is too many?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
i mean... you know... like five.. ten?

...can NEVER have enough pizza...

2 and 6 slices provided the pizza is cut into 8. Also, the pizza needs to have a radius of 6 inches.

Lets refresh. Pizza with a radius of 6 inches (Or 12 inches across total) is fine as long as you have at most 2 whole pizzas and 6/8 slices or 3/4 of the third order.

The only time this changes is if the weather is cold or if there is a windchill that affects the temperature by more than 3 degrees. In that case their is another formula.

Hope you know algebra:

x= Pizzas


Its gonna be the same everytime so I will solve it for you.

Alright so you take the three, bring it over there... Hmm, thats 3x-3 and its equal to that... Alright and you carry the 2. Do the flip flop, drop the six... Seperate X from expression and remove the three... Alright, plug it back in, all in reverse.

The answer is 9. 9 pizzas is too many

There is never too many. Pizza is simply the best food on this earth and I only weigh like 110 but if I could I would eat like 17 pizzas and I wouldn't care how fat I got. I lovee pizza. (: <3

If you mean for a party or other gathering, you always want to err on the side of "too many" rather than "too few." Better to have more than enough for everyone, than to have anyone go hungry.

The standard, when ordering for a group, is 2.5 slices (pie cut) per person. Be sure to have a few "Plain Cheese," in addition to those with various toppings.

I can eat up to 3 slices but I could eat pizza for the rest of my life lol

Well depends if your trying to lose weight then 1-3 it's ok but I like to eat 4-6

2 pizzas, or at least for me, just eat until you are full



probably more than 3

i mean... you know... like five.. ten?